Secrets! Secrets! Secrets!

We all love secrets in a play, a soap, a film. We cannot wait for that moment when the secret comes out.

In real life, however, it can be very different.

Would you really want to be that person when hour by hour you become afraid to speak, you do not know what to do? The slightest thing might draw attention to the fact that you can be deceitful.
And yet, you are not in any way deceitful.
You acted in innocence, with no thought of malice at all.
That is the situation facing Kelly when she agreed to help her friend, Mitzi, set up her business venture. She thought she was helping both Mitzi and her husband, Richard. This led her to become unnaturally devious and evasive. And when her husband returned from Scotland a little earlier than expected, he started to wonder why Kelly didn’t want anything to do with him.

All of the characters in the book, ‘Don’t You Believe Me?’, are fictitious, except for one very large character…. The eleven-foot teddy bear. And in a manner of speaking. It really did exist.

Please press on the following link if you wish to see a video trailer of the book.

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